So at this point I have an open thruhull.
I tried capping the thruhull with a brass cap with something that was very close in size, but it was just slightly too small. On the Gemini it is in a thruhull brass fitting. There is absolutely nothing identifying them, on the cable or anywhere on the plastic. The blank had bad O-rings, and the replacement O-rings are too large. So I cannot re-insert the transducer insert because it is broken. So the pictures are of both the transducer (with plastic broken off of the top) and the blank. The boat was thankfully out of the water. The Speed transducer stopped working on us, and when trying to service it, it physically broke upon removal.
We have a 1999 Gemini 105M that has a Raytheon Tridata ST 60 with Autohelm Branding. I have found myself in a bit of a mystery that I am trying to solve. TL DR, I need to identify this speed transducer for a replacement or suitable substitute, or blank (o rings for blank).